
Showing posts from March, 2020

The Healing Power of Love

"I am convinced that unconditional love is the most powerful known stimulant of the immune system.  If I told patients to raise their blood levels of immune globulins or killer T cells, no one would know how.  But if I can teach them to love themselves and others fully, the same changes happen automatically.  The truth is:  love heals." - Bernie Siegel My children love to chat with and visit with our neighbors.  It is hard for them now that everyone is inside.  This weekend our family, like many others all over the world, tuned into church from our living room.  The message this week was about showing love to all.  So how can we show our love and share joy when we are separated?  Art!    I was so excited when I came across window crayons in the craft store a few weeks back and now I am really glad I picked them up.  We have used them to free draw on the front door and the results were great. This time we decided to work together as a family and create one

We're Back

I started this blog years ago when my kids were young and, well, life got busier and though we kept exploring I stopped posting.  As we now face the many challenges of life during a global pandemic much has changed.  There is no school for my children to go to, my job for the past 17 years no longer needs me and the places we used to go and explore are closed.  Our new normal is anything but normal.  All our interactions with friends, family and teachers are done virtually, no hugs, no hi-fives, no face to face conversations.  When we go for a walk we still smile and wave at people, but we keep our distance and make sure everyone has plenty of space. Each day I wake up and our old routines have been replaced with adapted ones.  I go to bed worrying how I am going to engage my children the next day.  How can we explore from our own home?  How can I nurture their creative spirit?  How can I allow them the freedom they need to grow?  How can I create a new normal that works for all of u