We're Back

I started this blog years ago when my kids were young and, well, life got busier and though we kept exploring I stopped posting.  As we now face the many challenges of life during a global pandemic much has changed.  There is no school for my children to go to, my job for the past 17 years no longer needs me and the places we used to go and explore are closed.  Our new normal is anything but normal.  All our interactions with friends, family and teachers are done virtually, no hugs, no hi-fives, no face to face conversations.  When we go for a walk we still smile and wave at people, but we keep our distance and make sure everyone has plenty of space.

Each day I wake up and our old routines have been replaced with adapted ones.  I go to bed worrying how I am going to engage my children the next day.  How can we explore from our own home?  How can I nurture their creative spirit?  How can I allow them the freedom they need to grow?  How can I create a new normal that works for all of us?  And mostly, how can I do it while maintaining peace? 

I look around and see how the world is coping and I have mixed emotions.  I see examples of people helping others and working together and I am proud.  I am amazed at how the world has come together to support each other virtually.  Wonderful tours of zoos, online art lessons and virtual story times provide us a glimpse outside our home.   But underneath that pride and amazement is sadness.  I am sad for the families who are struggling, for the children who are missing out on meals and in person education.  I worry about the loss of childhood experiences.  While we have enjoyed our socially distant hikes I miss taking my children to a playground where they would meet a child and instantly have a new "friend."  I miss the excitement my children had coming home from school to tell me of something the did, learned or experienced.  I am thankful for video calls but long to sit with a someone and share a meal.

As a person who fears and resists change I am learning to roll with it.  I am trying to help my children learn to do the same in hopes that if faced with a challenge later in life they will be able to rise to the situation.  Two nights ago after a particularly trying day we talked about what had happened, what we had control over and what we didn't.  We talked about what we missed and how it was ok to be sad about missing those things and people.  We discussed the serenity prayer and what it meant and how sometimes we just don't have the control over everything we wish we did.    I hope that the world continues to draw together and help each other.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

So what can I do now?  I hope to enjoy this time with my children.  I know there will be hard days, but there will be good ones too.  Though I have not formally taught in years.  I have always enjoyed finding ways to engage them and explore with them.  I plan to start posting again and sharing our adventures at home.  I hope you will enjoy what we share.


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