Learning About Our Mail

This chilly Saturday we headed to the National Postal Museum to have fun.

C started out sorting Mail on a mail train. We love how hands on the museum is.  They have laminated postcards to sort and even a stamp to cancel them.

A favorite for us and maybe the only thing that could trump a train is a big rig.  To C nothing is better than getting behind the wheel and switches of a truck with his Daddy.

This is Owney the postal dog.  The most traveled dog of his time.

We ventured through the forest following the first US Postal route.

We rode in a stagecoach.  It was a little crowded with the other passengers.  
I loved hearing the narrative stories told by the other "passengers" inside.

Next C helped us explore the ABCs of the post office.
Even A got into the fun.

Scanning packages is hard work.

On a hunt to canceling stamps.

Sorting packages is a lot like basketball.

Practicing our numbers on a zip code machine.

Writing a postcard to some of my family.

Picking stamps to start a stamp collection.

Creating our own Cinderella(beautiful stamps that have no value) stamps.
C created this one completely on his own.
On the way home we stopped at the library and found a book about Owney.  I predict this book will get a lot of reading while we have it.


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