Snow Day

What a nice surprise after President's Day to have a little snow storm.  Waking up to see the ground covered in clean white snow makes me feel 5 again.  To give both C & A a chance to play in the snow I brought it inside where it was warm.  Some towels on the tile, water shoes to keep us from stepping on bits of snow that fell out, one big bin of snow and we were set.  This also solved the problem of how I could let the toddler play in the snow without making the infant miserable.
At first we just explored the snow with our hands and a scoop.
Next we hid some toys in the snow.
After playing with that for a while.  I made some colored water with food coloring in some plastic cups.  I gave C some foam brushes we had so he could paint the snow as well as a craft stick to stir the snow.
The brushes didn't work very well on the snow, so I grabbed his little kitchen ladle. Jackpot!  Then the fun really got started.
We went through every color in the rainbow and ended up with some beautiful snow.

After all that hard work it was time to officially ring in Shrove Tuesday with pancakes!

Then back to work with Daddy to clear the sidewalk and car.  I was proud of both my guys who worked so very hard while A and I stayed inside.

By nap time we were pretty wiped.  Hopefully we can get just a little more snow in before spring.


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